What to expect from your appointment:

At the main door there will be a hospital staff member screening each person who comes in. Please let them know that you are coming for a Maternity Clinic appointment.  If for any reason you are turned away, please call us so we can help.

We will continue to follow public health’s recommendations as this situation evolves. As always, mother and baby’s health and safety are our top priorities.

We are taking the following actions, and more as outlined in our Reopen Safety Plan, in order to keep our patients, staff and community safe.

  • Continued telehealth appointments when appropriate
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols
  • Phone call prior to your appointment to pre-screen for COVID-19 symptoms
  • Physical distancing within the waiting room and clinic rooms

We look forward to seeing you.

COVID-19 and Pregnancy in the Cowichan Valley

You may be wondering how coronavirus could affect you, particularly in pregnancy. Our teams are working together proactively to ensure that you and your family are safe at home, in clinic, and in the hospital. 

Please see our FAQ section for many commonly answered questions including what to do if you get cold symptoms. 

You can help us by following these guidelines:

  • Should you have a concern regarding your baby or pregnancy DO NOT DELAY seeking treatment. However we need to know if you have ANY cold symptoms, fever, recent travel, or contact with a person that may have COVID-19 so we can safely care for you.
  • If you have any of these risk factors, please phone the clinic at 250-737-2066 (or ward after hours at 250-737-2030 ext 44224) before coming to the clinic or hospital.
  • If you need to be seen in the hospital please be aware as per new Island Health guidelines only one person will be able to come with you

We still want to see you for your routine care:

We will take steps to ensure our clinics are as safe as possible and will do as many visits as we deem safe via the phone. We will call you to let you know whether your visit is in person or via the phone

If your visit is in person you can help us keep the clinic safe by:

  • Please leave family members at home (including kids) or outside the clinic if possible.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer when you arrive at the clinic, and again before you leave.

For More Information, see our COVID-19 Resources page.